
Easy File Sharing Web Server/SSL Server can be run as a service
on Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003.(Not for Win9x/Me). The service enables you to have
the Web Server/SSL Server active even when you're not logged into Windows.
To start Easy File
Sharing Web Server as a service, you first need to install it as a service.
To install the Web service, just click the button 'Install Service'.
Once this is done you can view the "Easy File Sharing Web Service" service
by opening the Services window (in the Control Panel, hidden in "Administrative
Tools" on Windows 2000).
To uninstall the service, just click the button 'Uninstall Service'.
To start the service, just click the button 'Start Service'.
You can also start the service by opening the Services window (click "Control
Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Service" ->
"Easy File Sharing Web Service").
To stop the service, just click the button 'Stop Service'. You
can also stop the service by opening the Services window (click "Control
Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Service" ->
"Easy File Sharing Web Service").
Start the Web Server when Start Service
if checked, the web server will start when the Service starts. If you don't want
the web server to run when the Service starts, you can uncheck it.
Start the
SSL Server when Start Service
if checked, the SSL server will start when the Service starts. If you don't want
the SSL server to run when the Service starts, you can uncheck it.
Easy File Sharing Web Service logs most run results to its own fswsService.log
files, in the Easy File Sharing Web Server installation folder. You can view the
web logs details in the log folder within the installation folder.
Note: If you install and start the "Easy File Sharing Web Service" successfully,
You do not need to run the Easy File Sharing Web Server program file. (fsws.exe).